About ISMS
International, Smart, Medical, Solutions for Medical and Laboratory Supplies is a well-established company that was founded in 2012 by a team of highly qualified, skilled and determined professionals, to set an outstanding trend in supplying Medical and laboratory equipment.
With our well-designed system and professional staff, we serve our clients to their satisfaction.
i.S.M.S Medical and Lab Supplies is a duly registered private company. Our ever-increasing passion for professionalism and quality has made us a reckonable name both locally and within the region.
We have come to appreciate that time, quality and excellence render a competitive advantage needed for every entity to prosper, and that’s why we ensure retaining and upgrading our systems and links to deliver the best and timely for your advantage. We deal with vibrant and reliable manufacturing companies around.
We are readily and timely available to provide you with our professional services and products to enable you to meet your health care needs and implement the national health care system.


As an importer, i.S.M.S Co. has a vast range of equipment from worldwide manufacturers to improve the health care sector. We can provide hospitals, clinics, Primary health care centers (PHCC), Non-governmental Organizations (NGO’s) with a wide selection of equipment from A-Z like Intensive care Unit (ICU), Critical care Unit (CCU), Operation theatre (OT), Medical furniture, Radiography, laboratory devices…etc., also We can provide all hospital departments with needed equipment such as Emergency Department …. etc.
As an importer of highly advanced medical devices, we understand the importance of providing prompt and reliable technical service to our customers. Good health is our most valuable resource. High performance medical technology can play a role in maintaining health and saving lives.
i.S.M.S Co. can Supply the Labs of Oil Companies with Laboratory devices, we also provide installation and training for staff members with warranty period. We believe that genuine connections are what make us succeed, and we work harder every day to build and support relationships. Those connections motivate our teams to create better solutions that help people from discovery to diagnosis.

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